Place An Ad

Fill out this form and click the SEND button at the bottom to send your ad to us for a price quote. Be sure to complete all fields so we can reply.

Ad Rates

Special Notice:

Currently all classified ads placed in the Christian Classifieds website and meet our standards are posted at no charge.


Web Site Ad Rates

Banner Ads
$75 per month for placement on home page.
$50 per month for placement on any other page.
Banner ad is supplied by customer in a jpg file or designed by our staff for an additional charge.
Banner ads are accepted in sizes up to 500 x 80 pixels.
Banner ad can be linked to customer’s existing web site or email address at no additional charge.

Premium Ads
$35 per month for placement on any of the Classified Category pages.
A Premium ad consists of the text of your print ad plus 1 graphic
(photo, line art, logo, etc.).
Premium ads are placed at the top of the page, above the regular classified ads.
Premium ads are placed in order of date submitted and paid. If an ad in the top place is not renewed, the next ad will move up to become the top ad.