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ATTN: Businesses & Ministries With Facebook Pages!

Facebook is constantly making changes in the formatting and functionality of its Facebook Pages. This could leave your valuable Facebook page broken and unable to showcase your business to people searching for your services. If your Facebook page does not give your customers the information that they need, where will they go???

To your competition, that’s where!

What can you do about it? Call us for a free analysis of your Facebook page to see if you will be effected by this latest change to Facebook. If we find that you are at risk of losing your info, we can re-design your page(s) in the new format, publish them to your Facebook page and provide ongoing services to keep your investment in Facebook up to date and productive.
Don’t get caught with your valuable Facebook page broken and ineffective when your customers visit to find out more about your services.

Call 615-984-4143 TODAY for your free business Facebook page analysis or email your name and phone number to… .


Get a photo or graphic added to your Online Ad at no additional charge. Attract more readers, showcase your real estate or rental property, show off your business venue. Call us at 615-984-4143 to get the details!

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