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R. PRESTON CHRISTIAN BOOKS. Since 1994. Simple, down-to-earth, real. Wisdom, not dogma. For people who aren’t finding what they need in church. Free, no strings attached. For sample/booklist send snail-mail address to


BOOK – THE COMPASSIONATE FATHER: World’s Greatest Unfinished Short Story (Luke 15) by Eli Landrum $15 —, postage $2.65

Start The Year With A New Personal Perspective

Mirror Mirror on the Wall who is the fairest of them all? Monica Schmelter readily admits that she has let the number on the scale rule her day on more than one occasion. Monica says, “It’s not the desire to look our best that gets us off track, but rather, the unrealistic and unhealthy beauty standards applauded by our culture, that can leave even Jesus loving girls feeling like they don’t measure up”. Women and girls alike are gazing into the mirror with questions, and looking intently for answers. Does this make me look fat? Am I pretty enough? Is my nose too big? Would a little Botox help? Insert here whatever question/concern you may have… Looking into the mirror will never be the same again as Monica leads you in “Does This Make Me Look Fat?” Practically speaking you’ll be empowered with the biblical tools to lay down the mirror of this world, (and its standard of beauty) and to pick up the mirror of God’s Word where you will find your true beauty and lasting joy. Get more information or order this book by clicking here.


Every “person of faith” should have in their home library a hardcover copy of a special (and new) book entitled, The Jesus Diet. You will learn how to lose weight, grow healthier, and strengthen your spiritual relationship with God. Please visit this website without delay:

Cleon Dewey is a MIRACLE Out of the MUD! The “rains” of two terminal cancers created a lot of mud – good mud that provided moisture until a tall, proud tree grew, spreading its determined branches toward heaven. Cleon’s intimate story gently reminds us of the miracles in the mud of our own circumstances. Her journey from death’s dark door into the sunlight of victory will inspire, challenge and even entertain you…all to the glory of God! “‘…this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life’…Having said this, He spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man’s eyes. ‘Go,’ he told him, ‘wash in the Pool of Siloam.’ So the man went and washed, and came home seeing.” (John 9:3-7)

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